ohbaby- What a great Substack post. This is something that EVERYONE can understand. It is simple and short and impactful. I plan on sharing this with the Doubters in my life to give them something chew on. (Pun intended.) Thank you!
I will come back to what I said in another presentation of yours, but on which you had your reservations. m-RNA could be a big promise of future, but it looks very very unsafe in its present state now for public use - whether directly to humans or via pigs. Research can go on for making it safe, but the scientific community must agree to stop its public use in any manner for at least the next 20 years. But how ? Is it even possible ? Get the three Nobel winners last year to issue a statement that the technology should not find a public use, unless all its loose ends are tied and it becomes absolutely safe. The prize itself was for just one aspect of safety, there could be another 99 unsafe corners lurking around in the technology. It is all about safety, not the performance or efficacy of an application, like the claims on the Covid m-RNA vaccines. Their statement must be very strong, even keeping their Prize on the block. We have reasonably restrained possibly runaway technologies like nuclear chemistry or direct genetics. We already have trouble with AI, where at least its beneficial and malafide roles are well known. m-RNA has more severe tests to pass.
This Dr. Shoemaker, interviewed in the clip I provided, had mentioned in another interview, that each injection contain trillions of these mRNA lipid nanoparticles. If true, that's trillions of toxic molecules injected into our arms. Cause each LNP has at least one cationic lipid.
There might have been the argument that the toxic lipids, might not have amounted to much, per injection to cause a reaction or toxicity. But it is hard to say that now, with what he said. He stated a figure of 40 trillion. Those LNP's are so tiny, they cross the blood/brain barrier, cross the placenta into the fetus, there's no where they can't go. And this is before any spikes are produced.
Until they figure a way of attracting the mRNA into the LNP's without a cationic lipid, this technology is dead in the water. And even if they figure a way, without a toxic element, it is still considered gene therapy. Not good.
What is so problematic about LNP used to encase the m-RNA vaccine particles ? Is it the nano particle size ( capable of crossing the BB barrier) or is it the cationic lipid or both ? As one with some commercial lipids background, I cannot figure out immediately why the cationic lipid should be a problem and I could be missing some knowledge. Many natural oils (e.g.soybean oil) contain phosphatides or gums which are ionic glycerides - oils are non ionic triglycerides. These phosphatides are generally cationic, made up as phosphoric acid salts of a variety of amines and amino acids. They are generally considered as micronutrients present in edible oils. Lecithin, one such, from Soybean oil is a very very important food additive. I don’t know if the cationic lipids used in these vaccines are synthetic and no idea what their chemical structure is. I don’t know if the cationic choice for the vaccine was by design - the cell surfaces are reportedly a ionic and thus a vaccine particle encased by a cationic charged lipid globule can easily embed on the surface and eventually enter the cells. In fact, the external spike protein structures on the virus have active segments ( that bind to cell surfaces) which are also said to be cationic. Thus the vaccine particle encased by cationic LNP and the virus external structure are similar by chemical design. Would you be able to shed some light on this or get some one in the know explain it for us ? Why were the LNPs for the vaccines not designed to be neutral ? An anioinc LNP would be electrostatically repulsed by the negatively charged cell surfaces.
You can't manually place the mRNA inside the LNP. They use this positively charged synthetic lipid, to attract the negatively charged mRNA inside of it. Otherwise they would have no product.
Thanks for your prompt response and the informative link. I take it as a fact that the cationic lipids used for the LPN of the m-RNA vaccines are toxic in general. My interest is only to know how and why, the mechanism of toxicity. As I said, naturally occurring cationic lipids like phosphatides are harmless. In 2021 itself, in some correspondence including with Dr. McMillan that the virus that freely moves outside is a bald lipid particle with two RNA codes inside. The first one is to grow all its external features including spike proteins once it lands on a host cell and finds a perch. Not all such particles find a perch, may be 98% of them. The second RNA code is for its replication work if it manages to enter the cell. I could explain further the spread characteristics. This bald particle can move freely outside, not encumbered by elements. Easy spread. They can get inhaled and exhaled easily. Depending on how much stays back inside the host, he can be asymptomatic, mildly symptomatic or severely symptomatic. Initially, until it enters the cell, this bald particle is only an allergen like pollen. It elicits typical allergy symptoms from the body. Once inside the cell and begins the replication, in high concentrations, the second phase of the illness shows up suddenly, which I would consider as a mix of severe allergy and inflammation ( autoimmune). If it manages to stay in the host in large concentrations, this bald particle can take refuge inside the whole body, lie dormant and in some create presentations of LC. In terms of basic physicochemical structures, this bald particle is also uncannily similar to the vaccine particles, m-RNA packed inside a LPN. Such a bald particle structure, not seen in natural viruses, can also explain the suspected synthetic origins of the virus, rather than any animal origins. Do you find this description of the virus making any sense. To my understanding all electron microscope pictures of the virus are from inside the host cell, with all its external features. There is no picture of the bald particle, call it virus precursor, as it moves outside that has been published.
Don't take anything as fact. You're a professor. You should know,... never trust what anyone says. Especially from some internet blogger. Click the links in the article. It's no wonder you have all these questions and hypotheticals, if you are not looking at the evidence.
They needed a way to get the mRNA inside the LNP. Otherwise there would be no product. Hence the positively charged lipid, which BioNTech itself,... said was toxic. I also supplied a paper with references, aside and separate from what BioNTech said,... that show cationic lipids are cytotoxic, including what damage they cause. Click the links. Also watch the Italian professor. I am not a professor, I just present the evidence. These are links from the article....
You can fast forward to 20 minutes in, with the video below. Before that he speaks about the aggregation of the electrolytes. But Pfizer removed them from the formulation in late 2021. A full year after the roll out.
Also your reasoning about cationic lipids is not applicable here. You're not injecting soybean oil directly into your veins, bypassing your body's defense mechanisms. Over 80% of your immunity resides in your GI tract.
I don’t understand what are you saying. I have a fair bit of technical knowledge about oils and fats and you have to believe me. Where did I talk about injecting soybean oil into the veins ? I am not a quack. The only cationic lipids from natural sources that I know of are the Lecithins from soybean, peanut and sunflower oils mainly. They are recovered while refining the oils, purified and used as a food additive of veg origin. The larger industrial source of lecithins are eggs. They are not toxic. I cannot comment about the synthetic cationic lipids used for encasing the vaccine m-RNA, unless I get to know what their chemical structure is. So I will take the accepted word that they are toxins. I was only curious to know why a cationic lipid for the vaccine. You had mentioned that it is for securing the m-RNA inside the nano particle. Fine, clearly understood. And I added one more point - for effective lodging on the anionic cell surfaces by way of electrostatic interactions - a very common phenomenon in chemistry. The vaccine particle can get inside the cell then and open out its m-RNA for the production of the coded spike segments which in turn can evoke formation of anti bodies from our immune system. I would like you to once again go through my previous message where I had proposed a similar bald structure - lipid particle containing RNA codes - for the virus itself that moves freely outside and in and out of us. Ideally you can call it a virus precursor. It is a completely novel and original proposal that no one else has advanced so far. Thus the virus particle and the vaccine particle are very similar structurally, functionally inside the cells, evoking anti bodies and staying put inside the body long enough to cause long term issues i.e. long Covid and long Vax, with very similar multiple, multi location presentations inside the body. To complete this analogy, we now know, like the virus, the vaccine generated spikes can also be shed by the people and picked up by someone in the proximity. So the vaccine is creating its own epidemic, running concurrently with the natural virus epidemic. Please think over and offer your comments on this scenario. Thanks, by the way, what is your background ?
I have a PhD in bagging groceries from Shop & Shop University.
"So I will take the accepted word that they are toxins."
This is why I am a little short with you. I supply links to the evidence found in the literature and yet,... you continue with this acceptance on faith. I don't want you to believe me. I want you to look at the published evidence. Why would you google {quick look on the net) for this, when I supplied the evidence for you? If you had wished to disagree or argue against the evidence with me, I would be happy to. But you need to look at the papers first. And you have not, because you continue down a rabbit hole that is not applicable to the discussion at hand. Which is cationic lipids are cytotoxic.
You are describing cationic lipids in food (soybean oil), that needs to be ingested and digested before reaching the bloodstream. That is totally different and incomparable from cationic lipids being injected directly into the bloodstream where you are by passing all kinds of safety mechanisms. I am not speaking a foreign language here. This should be easy for you to understand. Why you are lost, is beyond me.
And what happens at the cellular level, hypothesizing the mechanisms of action,... is fairly irrelevant to the main point. Cationic lipids are cytotoxic. And this is not my conclusion. It is what BioNTech has said, and others have confirmed.
There are a lot of reasons and theories why the virus or vaccine spike can hang around long term. And I am not gonna discuss all the possibilities here. i.e... infected bacteria, DNA contamination, LNP's taken up by fat cells, etc...
I have noticed, hardly anyone looks at the evidence supplied in my articles. I can tell if they click the links. And that is unfortunate. But you are a professor.
Your first line was mocking at my background and qualifications. This was not the kind of exchange of knowledge I was looking for. The references sent by you don’t tell me why ( the mechanisms) the synthetic ( I would emphasise this word) cationic lipids would be cytotoxic chemically and biologically. I am more interested in that. After looking at the chemical structures from different references, I seem to have got an idea of the chemical background of their toxicity. My view that they look like surfactants could also be related to their toxicity. I will leave this issue at that. Bye.
I had a quick look in the net for the synthetic cationic lipids used in the m-RNA vaccines and got an idea of the specific molecules used in the formulations, especially a report in the CE &N, an ACS publication, was very informative. To me, they look like cationic surfactants, the structures, similar to what they use in fabric softeners and hair conditioners. Other cationic emulsion products. Lipids by definition are water repelling, like your soybean oil. Mostly they must be glycerol derived, what we call as triacyl glycerols. These synthetic molecules may not be totally water repellent. They don’t have the glycerol backbone. Do the vaccines look clear or milky ? If they are clear looking, they could even be microemulsions. And these molecules could be simply emulsifiers. A normal emulsion, like milk, is a two phase product, water is the external phase and internal phase are the milk proteins and milk facts ( water repelling). The internal phase is what remains distributed as fine micro particles. A micro emulsion, like some shampoos, is three phase - an internal phase, a middle phase and an external phase. If the external phase is water, whether two phases like milk or three phases like this possibly vaccine, it will be freely dilutable with water. And as I said, if it is three phases, with water as the most external phase, it will be clear.
ohbaby- What a great Substack post. This is something that EVERYONE can understand. It is simple and short and impactful. I plan on sharing this with the Doubters in my life to give them something chew on. (Pun intended.) Thank you!
I will come back to what I said in another presentation of yours, but on which you had your reservations. m-RNA could be a big promise of future, but it looks very very unsafe in its present state now for public use - whether directly to humans or via pigs. Research can go on for making it safe, but the scientific community must agree to stop its public use in any manner for at least the next 20 years. But how ? Is it even possible ? Get the three Nobel winners last year to issue a statement that the technology should not find a public use, unless all its loose ends are tied and it becomes absolutely safe. The prize itself was for just one aspect of safety, there could be another 99 unsafe corners lurking around in the technology. It is all about safety, not the performance or efficacy of an application, like the claims on the Covid m-RNA vaccines. Their statement must be very strong, even keeping their Prize on the block. We have reasonably restrained possibly runaway technologies like nuclear chemistry or direct genetics. We already have trouble with AI, where at least its beneficial and malafide roles are well known. m-RNA has more severe tests to pass.
This Dr. Shoemaker, interviewed in the clip I provided, had mentioned in another interview, that each injection contain trillions of these mRNA lipid nanoparticles. If true, that's trillions of toxic molecules injected into our arms. Cause each LNP has at least one cationic lipid.
There might have been the argument that the toxic lipids, might not have amounted to much, per injection to cause a reaction or toxicity. But it is hard to say that now, with what he said. He stated a figure of 40 trillion. Those LNP's are so tiny, they cross the blood/brain barrier, cross the placenta into the fetus, there's no where they can't go. And this is before any spikes are produced.
Until they figure a way of attracting the mRNA into the LNP's without a cationic lipid, this technology is dead in the water. And even if they figure a way, without a toxic element, it is still considered gene therapy. Not good.
What is so problematic about LNP used to encase the m-RNA vaccine particles ? Is it the nano particle size ( capable of crossing the BB barrier) or is it the cationic lipid or both ? As one with some commercial lipids background, I cannot figure out immediately why the cationic lipid should be a problem and I could be missing some knowledge. Many natural oils (e.g.soybean oil) contain phosphatides or gums which are ionic glycerides - oils are non ionic triglycerides. These phosphatides are generally cationic, made up as phosphoric acid salts of a variety of amines and amino acids. They are generally considered as micronutrients present in edible oils. Lecithin, one such, from Soybean oil is a very very important food additive. I don’t know if the cationic lipids used in these vaccines are synthetic and no idea what their chemical structure is. I don’t know if the cationic choice for the vaccine was by design - the cell surfaces are reportedly a ionic and thus a vaccine particle encased by a cationic charged lipid globule can easily embed on the surface and eventually enter the cells. In fact, the external spike protein structures on the virus have active segments ( that bind to cell surfaces) which are also said to be cationic. Thus the vaccine particle encased by cationic LNP and the virus external structure are similar by chemical design. Would you be able to shed some light on this or get some one in the know explain it for us ? Why were the LNPs for the vaccines not designed to be neutral ? An anioinc LNP would be electrostatically repulsed by the negatively charged cell surfaces.
Yes, they are synthetic. And never before been used in any product. I have explained this all here.... https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/biontechpfizer-and-the-ema-knew-the
You can't manually place the mRNA inside the LNP. They use this positively charged synthetic lipid, to attract the negatively charged mRNA inside of it. Otherwise they would have no product.
Thanks for your prompt response and the informative link. I take it as a fact that the cationic lipids used for the LPN of the m-RNA vaccines are toxic in general. My interest is only to know how and why, the mechanism of toxicity. As I said, naturally occurring cationic lipids like phosphatides are harmless. In 2021 itself, in some correspondence including with Dr. McMillan that the virus that freely moves outside is a bald lipid particle with two RNA codes inside. The first one is to grow all its external features including spike proteins once it lands on a host cell and finds a perch. Not all such particles find a perch, may be 98% of them. The second RNA code is for its replication work if it manages to enter the cell. I could explain further the spread characteristics. This bald particle can move freely outside, not encumbered by elements. Easy spread. They can get inhaled and exhaled easily. Depending on how much stays back inside the host, he can be asymptomatic, mildly symptomatic or severely symptomatic. Initially, until it enters the cell, this bald particle is only an allergen like pollen. It elicits typical allergy symptoms from the body. Once inside the cell and begins the replication, in high concentrations, the second phase of the illness shows up suddenly, which I would consider as a mix of severe allergy and inflammation ( autoimmune). If it manages to stay in the host in large concentrations, this bald particle can take refuge inside the whole body, lie dormant and in some create presentations of LC. In terms of basic physicochemical structures, this bald particle is also uncannily similar to the vaccine particles, m-RNA packed inside a LPN. Such a bald particle structure, not seen in natural viruses, can also explain the suspected synthetic origins of the virus, rather than any animal origins. Do you find this description of the virus making any sense. To my understanding all electron microscope pictures of the virus are from inside the host cell, with all its external features. There is no picture of the bald particle, call it virus precursor, as it moves outside that has been published.
Don't take anything as fact. You're a professor. You should know,... never trust what anyone says. Especially from some internet blogger. Click the links in the article. It's no wonder you have all these questions and hypotheticals, if you are not looking at the evidence.
They needed a way to get the mRNA inside the LNP. Otherwise there would be no product. Hence the positively charged lipid, which BioNTech itself,... said was toxic. I also supplied a paper with references, aside and separate from what BioNTech said,... that show cationic lipids are cytotoxic, including what damage they cause. Click the links. Also watch the Italian professor. I am not a professor, I just present the evidence. These are links from the article....
You can fast forward to 20 minutes in, with the video below. Before that he speaks about the aggregation of the electrolytes. But Pfizer removed them from the formulation in late 2021. A full year after the roll out.
Also your reasoning about cationic lipids is not applicable here. You're not injecting soybean oil directly into your veins, bypassing your body's defense mechanisms. Over 80% of your immunity resides in your GI tract.
I don’t understand what are you saying. I have a fair bit of technical knowledge about oils and fats and you have to believe me. Where did I talk about injecting soybean oil into the veins ? I am not a quack. The only cationic lipids from natural sources that I know of are the Lecithins from soybean, peanut and sunflower oils mainly. They are recovered while refining the oils, purified and used as a food additive of veg origin. The larger industrial source of lecithins are eggs. They are not toxic. I cannot comment about the synthetic cationic lipids used for encasing the vaccine m-RNA, unless I get to know what their chemical structure is. So I will take the accepted word that they are toxins. I was only curious to know why a cationic lipid for the vaccine. You had mentioned that it is for securing the m-RNA inside the nano particle. Fine, clearly understood. And I added one more point - for effective lodging on the anionic cell surfaces by way of electrostatic interactions - a very common phenomenon in chemistry. The vaccine particle can get inside the cell then and open out its m-RNA for the production of the coded spike segments which in turn can evoke formation of anti bodies from our immune system. I would like you to once again go through my previous message where I had proposed a similar bald structure - lipid particle containing RNA codes - for the virus itself that moves freely outside and in and out of us. Ideally you can call it a virus precursor. It is a completely novel and original proposal that no one else has advanced so far. Thus the virus particle and the vaccine particle are very similar structurally, functionally inside the cells, evoking anti bodies and staying put inside the body long enough to cause long term issues i.e. long Covid and long Vax, with very similar multiple, multi location presentations inside the body. To complete this analogy, we now know, like the virus, the vaccine generated spikes can also be shed by the people and picked up by someone in the proximity. So the vaccine is creating its own epidemic, running concurrently with the natural virus epidemic. Please think over and offer your comments on this scenario. Thanks, by the way, what is your background ?
I have a PhD in bagging groceries from Shop & Shop University.
"So I will take the accepted word that they are toxins."
This is why I am a little short with you. I supply links to the evidence found in the literature and yet,... you continue with this acceptance on faith. I don't want you to believe me. I want you to look at the published evidence. Why would you google {quick look on the net) for this, when I supplied the evidence for you? If you had wished to disagree or argue against the evidence with me, I would be happy to. But you need to look at the papers first. And you have not, because you continue down a rabbit hole that is not applicable to the discussion at hand. Which is cationic lipids are cytotoxic.
You are describing cationic lipids in food (soybean oil), that needs to be ingested and digested before reaching the bloodstream. That is totally different and incomparable from cationic lipids being injected directly into the bloodstream where you are by passing all kinds of safety mechanisms. I am not speaking a foreign language here. This should be easy for you to understand. Why you are lost, is beyond me.
And what happens at the cellular level, hypothesizing the mechanisms of action,... is fairly irrelevant to the main point. Cationic lipids are cytotoxic. And this is not my conclusion. It is what BioNTech has said, and others have confirmed.
There are a lot of reasons and theories why the virus or vaccine spike can hang around long term. And I am not gonna discuss all the possibilities here. i.e... infected bacteria, DNA contamination, LNP's taken up by fat cells, etc...
I have noticed, hardly anyone looks at the evidence supplied in my articles. I can tell if they click the links. And that is unfortunate. But you are a professor.
Your first line was mocking at my background and qualifications. This was not the kind of exchange of knowledge I was looking for. The references sent by you don’t tell me why ( the mechanisms) the synthetic ( I would emphasise this word) cationic lipids would be cytotoxic chemically and biologically. I am more interested in that. After looking at the chemical structures from different references, I seem to have got an idea of the chemical background of their toxicity. My view that they look like surfactants could also be related to their toxicity. I will leave this issue at that. Bye.
I had a quick look in the net for the synthetic cationic lipids used in the m-RNA vaccines and got an idea of the specific molecules used in the formulations, especially a report in the CE &N, an ACS publication, was very informative. To me, they look like cationic surfactants, the structures, similar to what they use in fabric softeners and hair conditioners. Other cationic emulsion products. Lipids by definition are water repelling, like your soybean oil. Mostly they must be glycerol derived, what we call as triacyl glycerols. These synthetic molecules may not be totally water repellent. They don’t have the glycerol backbone. Do the vaccines look clear or milky ? If they are clear looking, they could even be microemulsions. And these molecules could be simply emulsifiers. A normal emulsion, like milk, is a two phase product, water is the external phase and internal phase are the milk proteins and milk facts ( water repelling). The internal phase is what remains distributed as fine micro particles. A micro emulsion, like some shampoos, is three phase - an internal phase, a middle phase and an external phase. If the external phase is water, whether two phases like milk or three phases like this possibly vaccine, it will be freely dilutable with water. And as I said, if it is three phases, with water as the most external phase, it will be clear.
Speaking on emulsifiers, have you heard of carrageenan?....