My substack is all about health and wellness. Plus reporting on recent events that might effect our wellbeing. With that in mind, I would like to delve a little into the topics of gut health, detoxing, and spike persistence. None of this is breaking news, and there are many articles and papers on these subjects. And though there is much out there covering these topics in detail, what I would like to point out, is how this has grown exponentially in significance and importance. As always, I will fully reference everything written here. There is much to cover, so let’s get started.
A bioweapon has been let loose on the public and is here to stay. There were also dangerous countermeasures that followed, effectively risking the health of a large swath of the population. So, detoxing and gut health just became that much more important, with the knowledge that spike proteins,.. targets and persists in the GI tract.
These 5 autopsy and tissue biopsy studies, have found SARS-CoV-2 RNA and viral proteins in various parts of the GI Tract, months after infection…. Zollner et al., Gaebler et al., Cheung et al., Hany et al., Peluso et al.
That last one, Peluso et al., found viral RNA in the colon, two years after infection.
These 3 found RNA and spike protein in the stool… Natarajan et al., Yonker et al., Jin et al.
All these studies, with more showing long-term persistence, are strictly from viral infections. Which makes it inconceivable that uncontrolled spike production, from trillions of mRNA, in every vaccine dose, being delivered all over the body, wouldn’t certainly persist much, much longer than any post acute infection. And let’s not forget, many had taken multiple shots.
Not to mention the disturbing news of our food supply being tainted with the GMO clot shots. They found remnants of the vaccine in hogs, that died during a study following mRNA injections.
I know many people don’t give a damn about gut health. Hell, for most of my life, I’ve dealt with heartburn (acid reflex) and food sensitivities, never once considering rectifying the problem,… other than taking Tums or Pepto to ease the symptoms. And I believe many feel the same way. Boy, was I wrong not to consider it. I am colon cancer survivor. And after probably decades of tumor growth, when found, it was the size of a baseball. I was fortunate, surgery was successful, and I remain cancer free 10+ years and counting. And I credit that to learning all I could on health and wellness, immediately after surgery and ever since. And I am confident that when my time is up, it won’t be that taking me. I take many anti-cancer nutrients, Turkey tail mushroom extract, selenium, Iodine, D3, K2 (Mk-7), plus two very safe meds, LDN and fairly recently Ivermectin. Although this isn’t a post on cancer, it is a very real concern brought about by the dangerous effects of these mRNA vaccines reducing immunity. And with estimates of up to 85% of immune cells residing in the gut,… keeping it happy and healthy will naturally help strengthen immune function and cancer surveillance.
—————— The GI Tract ——————
It is said the surface area of your gut, spread out flat, is the size of a football field. I find that hard to believe, but suffice to say, the surface area is huge. And that huge area needs to be protected by immune cells. To guard against pathogens in the environment and in food, from entering the blood, tissue and organs of the body. The small and large intestines combined, measures 25 feet in length. The large volume area (lumen) of your GI tract, where trillions of microbes live, is considered to be part of the outside world. Hence why a strong immune presence is required. So now you know why most of your immune cells reside in the lining of your gut. This diagram below gives you an idea of how much surface area there is that all needs to be protected…
And this one below, zooms in on the villi and shows all the immune cells and antibodies present…
There are also macrophages, monocytes, T cells, and killer cells present but not illustrated in the above pic. They generally show up in an immune response, as depicted below…
Also, as seen in this pic, dysbiosis of the microflora causes inflammation. So correcting an imbalance between the good and bad bacteria is of upmost importance. So it is no wonder, when I have a rare tummy ache, probiotics work even better than Tums or Pepto in getting relief. And I say rare because,… ever since I started supplementing probiotics and digestive enzymes 10+ years ago, I can count on one hand, how many times a have had a belly ache or heartburn. Plus now, I can eat all the foods that would have bothered me in years past.
Now that I have given you a little background on what the gut looks like, and how your immunity is intrinsically tied to your gut health, being most of it resides there, I need to explain how gut health has increased exponentially in importance, the last few years.
There are numerous studies showing SARS-CoV-2, and the GMO clot shots destroy beneficial bacteria in your gut. World renowned microbiome researcher Dr. Sabine Hazan has noticed babies born to vaccinated mothers have very little if at all, microbes in their gut.
“there is no reason to give an exclusively breastfed baby probiotics – they are already getting hundreds of millions of good bacteria in mom’s milk naturally. Save your money!” Probiotics for Babies: A Physician's Guide to Breastfeeding
Bifidobacteria is one of the first species of good bacteria to colonize a newborns gut. Up to 90% of bacteria in newborns is bifidobacteria. It is acquired from mother’s breast milk. But if the mother was vaccinated, her own bifidobacteria levels have dropped significantly to under 50% of what she had.
“Bifidobacterium is one of the most abundant genera in adults, but its predominance is even more pronounced in infants, especially during lactation, when they can constitute the majority of the total bacterial population. They are one of the pioneering colonizers of the early gut microbiota, and they are known to play important roles in the metabolism of dietary components, otherwise indigestible in the upper parts of the intestine, and in the maturation of the immune system. Bifidobacteria have been shown to interact with human immune cells and to modulate specific pathways, involving innate and adaptive immune processes.” Bifidobacteria and Their Molecular Communication with the Immune System - Frontiers (Spain 2017)
It also was shown, that those infected by the virus also had a reduction of beneficial bacteria…
“Interactions between the host and gut microbiota are complex, numerous and bidirectional. Gut microbiota regulate the development and function of the innate and adaptive immune systems, potentially allowing them to protect against infections and infection severity. The primary findings of our study are that SARS-CoV-2 positivity and infection severity are associated with decreased levels of the protective Bifidobacterium and Faecalibacterium genera and with decreased bacterial diversity….. This accords with studies showing bacterial diversity inversely relates to the presence of various common disorders.” Lost microbes of COVID-19: Bifidobacterium, Faecalibacterium depletion and decreased microbiome diversity associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection severity (USA 2022)
So, since a reduction in beneficial bacteria happens in both viral infection and vaccination, it is obvious, who the culprit is… The toxic spike protein. And with the abundant prevalence of the ACE-2 receptor in the GI tract, in which the spike has a high affinity for,.. it’s no wonder the gut is a target for infection or the vaccine induced spike…
“A lot of studies showed that the gastrointestinal tract represents a common target organ of SARS-CoV-2 infection” Body Localization of ACE-2 - Frontiers (Italy 2020)
Always remember, when we inflame our gut, we also weaken our immunity. And with the toxic spike causing havoc down there, as practically all epithelial cells express ACE-2 receptors,.. it can have systemic ramifications for the entire body…
“The gut microbiome acts as an integral part of the gastrointestinal tract that has the largest and [most] vulnerable surface with desirable features…. It is well-known that the gut has a strong connection with the central nervous system, in the context of health and disease. A healthy gut with diverse microbes is vital for normal brain functions and emotional behaviors.” Gut–Brain Axis: Role of Gut Microbiota on Neurological Disorders and How Probiotics and Prebiotics Beneficially Modulate Microbial and Immune Pathways to Improve Brain Functions (Korea 2020)
Speaking of the gut/brain axis,.. we are all familiar with the hormone serotonin. It’s involved heavily in the regulation of mood, sleep, digestion, wound healing, bone health, blood clotting and sexual desire. What is not well known is that,… better than 90% of it is produced not in the brain, but by epithelial cells that line the gut. So right away, you can see how the persistent spike can have systemic effects throughout the body, just by attacking this one area. This very recent study, August 2024, suggests the brain fog that long-haulers suffer with, could originate from the spike induced gut damage…
“In light of the growing literature, it seems reasonable to speculate that gut dysfunction caused by SARS-CoV-2 persistence in the gut could contribute to the neurocognitive decline in PASC [Long COVID].” Mechanisms of Gut-Related Viral Persistence in Long COVID (UK 2024)
And while it might be speculation, that this could play a role in the development of brain fog, there is no question or doubt that the spike does indeed damage the gut and kill the microflora. On a side note: I believe there is another, much stronger theory on the cause of brain fog. But that is a discussion for another substack.
There is also research showing a gut/lung axis as well…
“The gut-lung axis concept posits that alterations of intestinal microbiota communities may have a profound effect on lung disease. Microbes may be recognized by host immune cells, resulting in systemic cytokine release. Or in some cases,…. that bioactive compounds are secreted by microbes, absorbed into circulation and directly alter lung function.” The gut-lung axis: Intestinal microbiota and inflammatory lung disease - Mayo Clinic
Adding more to the gut/lung axis is the fact that we swallow cups of mucus daily from our lungs, without ever knowing it. And that includes many chemical signals that inhabit the mucosa. It could also mean spike proteins in the lungs, ending up in your gut.
There is also a gut/liver axis. And this axis might be the most pronounced of all, via the portal vein’s direct connection. I was told by my oncologist, that if my colon cancer was to return, it would likely show up in the liver. Here is another recent study (July 2024), looking at the connection between gut dysbiosis and liver cancer…
“Gut dysbiosis has been implicated in the pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) arising from diverse etiological factors. Microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs), microbial metabolites, and fungi are capable of modulating the metabolic pathways and immune composition of the HCC microenvironment.” Understanding gut dysbiosis for hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis and treatment (China 2024)
And let’s not forget the gut’s main role in absorbing nutrients we need to survive. And what dysbiosis and inflammation might do to that process. It is well known, as we age, we absorb less nutrients due to multiple factors. i. e… less stomach acid and digestive enzymes produced, intestinal wall integrity degraded, so on and so forth.
So with gut health being of extreme importance nowadays, what can we do to improve it?
—————— Improving Gut Health ——————
Well to start off, it goes without saying a healthy diet is important. In the US, estimates have the intake of garbage, highly processed junk food in the neighborhood of 60%. Our diet is hurting us. We need to be eating real food. Not highly processed packaged or fast food. Now many will point out, real food can also be harmful with all the pesticides. So ideally, organic is the way to go. But even if you can’t afford organic, real food is still way better, by a large factor than processed packaged food loaded with chemicals. And if your food is packaged, check the ingredients. That list should be short and sweet. No flavorings, emulsifiers, preservatives, added sugars, hydrogenated seed oils, etc…
The US is an obese nation for a reason, with all the crap we eat. And the obese have an inflamed gut caused by dysbiosis. There are even suggestions microbial dysbiosis may cause obesity.
Now with the obvious out of the way, let’s look at other helpful solutions to improve gut health. We need to restore our good microbes that are very beneficial to us. Oral probiotics work. All the bull that they don’t pass the stomach acid intact, is a bunch of hooey. I’ve noticed dramatic effects with oral probiotics, as I have mentioned earlier. My stomach used to do cartwheels with many foods. I used to suffer from heartburn as well. Not anymore. Not in the last ten plus years. And all those foods that used to bother me, like bagels, tomato sauce, scallions, chocolate, etc… I have no problem with now. Now I don’t credit that all to probiotics. I’m sure taking digestive enzymes has helped immensely as well. I always notice when I don’t take them with a meal. I am always more bloated/full for a much longer time after eating. So I know I am not digesting food all that well without taking them. That might be because I am older, retirement age, producing less enzymes and stomach acid. My bottle says to take two capsules with a meal, but one does the trick. There are also prebiotics. Those trillions of microbes need nourishment, like us to survive and multiply. Soluble and insoluble fiber is what they feed on. So if your diet is high in fiber, you can probably skip this step. But most of us, with our garbage diet can use some help in this area. I always try to eat a nice multi-colored salad everyday. But there are estimates, we should be eating 5, 6, 7 salads a day. Which no one ever does.
One prebiotic has been getting a lot of attention lately and worth looking into. Inulin is a particular soluble fiber shown to increase the good bacteria that produce beneficial short chain fatty acids (SCFAs).
I get organic Inulin from Jerusalem Artichokes very cheap. Mixes well in beverages and has a slightly sweet taste. Goes great in my coffee, and allows me to use less honey. Many sprinkle it in their yogurt to boost its probiotic content. Always start slow with pre and probiotics. Abrupt changes in your GI tract tend to cause a reaction at first.
Here are some recent studies on Inulin…
“Inulin supplementation significantly promoted gut bacterial diversity and improved gut microbiota dysbiosis in children with obesity.” Enhancing gut microbiota and microbial function with inulin supplementation in children with obesity (Thailand 2024)
These authors above also published a paper a few months earlier showing… Inulin supplementation exhibits increased muscle mass via gut/muscle axis in children with obesity.
Here’s another recent study from Spain….
“Inulin is a plant polysaccharide which, due to its chemical structure, is not digestible by human gut enzymes but by some bacteria of the human microbiota, acting as a prebiotic. Consequently, inulin consumption has been associated with changes in the composition of the intestinal microbiota related to an improvement of the metabolic state…. Inulin supplementation contributes…. mainly through the selective favoring of short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) producer species from the genera Bifidobacterium and Anaerostipes. These SCFAs have been shown to ameliorate glucose metabolism and decrease hepatic lipogenesis, reduce inflammation, modulate immune activity…. In conclusion,… inulin intake produces positive metabolic effects through the improvement of the intestinal microbiota and through the metabolites produced by its fermentation.” Health Effects and Mechanisms of Inulin Action in Human Metabolism (Spain 2024)
And one more….
“Inulin acts as prebiotic dietary fiber with multiple putative health benefits. It stimulates immune systems and protects the colon mucosa against carcinogenesis and inflammation. Inulin also alters the composition and population of the gut microbiota. It stimulates the growth and activities of health beneficial microorganisms while inhibiting enteropathogenic bacteria. The beneficial microorganisms ferment inulin and produces acids including short-chain fatty acids that lower the pH in the colon and inhibit pathogens.” Possible actions of inulin as prebiotic polysaccharide: A review (Ethiopia 2021)
So as you can see, feeding your gut microbes is beneficial to your health. That is of course, if you still have any good gut microbes left after multiple vaccinations, or repeated viral infections.
Here is a study where bifidobacteria was given to SARS-CoV-2 patients…
“We evaluated 44 moderate/severe SARS-CoV-2 inpatients, providing clinical evidence that single strain probiotic bifidobacteria can reduce mortality and hospital stay in moderate/severe SARS-CoV-2 patients.” Oral probiotic bifidobacteria in SARS-COV-2 patients (Turkey 2021)
I had mentioned Dr. Sabine Hazan earlier. She was very busy in 2022 publishing 3 papers on the damaging effects of COVID and the clot shots on beneficial bacteria. The first one, I quoted from earlier.
Messenger RNA SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines Affect the Gut Microbiome (Oct. 2022)
Persistent Damage to the Gut Microbiome Following Messenger RNA SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (Oct. 2022)
She also published this paper, the same year, theorizing Ivermectin could feed bifidobacteria, thereby producing another beneficial effect of Ivermectin. But since the anti-Ivermectin Gods didn’t like this hypothesis, they retracted it, 8 months after it was published. According to Frontiers, that paper received more than 50,000 views. That’s more views than 99% of the publisher’s other articles. It’s well worth reading. Mind you, Dr. Hazan has practiced medicine for over 30 years and conducted over 200 clinical trials, including vaccine studies. She is the founder of the Microbiome Research Foundation and ProgenaBiome - the first lab to document the entire sequence of the COVID-19 virus.
Here she is participating in the COVID round table event, Feb. 28, 2024 hosted by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson….
BTW, this was a great event. All the COVID heavyweights appeared. Dr. Kory, Malone, Ed Dowd, Brian Hooker, Ryan Cole, etc… A who’s who of heroes. If you have time, watch Del Bigtree’s presentation. With all the top medical professionals there, his 5, 6 minutes were among the most powerful.
It is suggested when choosing a probiotic, diversity is paramount. One with many strains. Also with many billions of CFU’s (colony forming units). Remember, a couple of billion won’t have a large dramatic effect, when you’re trying to balance out 40 trillion microbes. But they will proliferate if you feed them (prebiotics/fiber) and reduce their burden by detoxing. Try different brands, not all formulations are the same. Trying different brands also promotes more diversity. Some might make you gassy, some may not. With Dr. Hazan’s extensive research, I would favor a probiotic, with bifidobacteria strains (B. adolescentis, B. lactis, B. breve, B. longum, B. infantis, etc…) being predominant. They would be listed first, in order, on the Supplemental Facts Label.
Also, I would stay clear of the fungal/yeast probiotics. One in particular, Saccharomyces boulardii, is getting a lot of attention. And is found in quite a few probiotic supplements,.. due to its better survivability in stomach acid. But why would you want to add more fungi, when you are looking to prevent or fight fungal infections, such as Candida? It’s been shown,… those with intestinal disorders and/or compromised immunity, have developed fungal infections from S. boulardii. And fungal infections can be very serious. The fact that this fungi/yeast is so hardy in surviving extreme conditions, i.e.. the stomach,.. is why it can be so dangerous if it reached the blood. So regardless of any benefits shown in studies, it can have some serious risks, no matter how rare they might be. So check ingredients carefully and stick with bacterial strains. Why take chances when you have safer options?
Probiotics and prebiotics aren’t the only nutrients needed for optimal gut health. Zinc, magnesium, selenium and vitamins A, B, C and D,… all play a role in maintaining the gut lining, and lowering intestinal inflammation. In this short video clip below, is a recap of all the benefits D3 alone, has for your gut and microbiome…
I’m kinda glossing over the importance of vitamins and minerals for gut health, because this post is getting long. But they are critical and should be the first step in improving gut health. Any nutrient insufficiencies should first be addressed. Most people with gut problems have vitamin B deficiencies amongst others. Many of these nutrients help improve your autonomic nervous system which control the functions (motility) of your gut, and the output of digestive juices and bile from nearby organs. So if all this is not working as it should, it’s doubtful any help to your microbiome will produce the desired effect. I was taking nutritional supplements long before pre and probiotics. Which may be why I have seen such dramatic benefits in improving my gut microbes.
——————— Detoxing ———————
Environmental toxins as well as industrially produced food, are increasingly burdening our bodies on a daily basis. If we can reduce that burden, our body can concentrate more on the process of healing,… and in turn, optimizing immunity. Naturally, if the body has less to deal with, we would be better off.
Sulfur compounds are naturally detoxifying and support and enhance the function of Glutathione. That is the master antioxidant produced by our body, and is heavily involved in detoxification. Garlic, eggs and onions are foods rich in sulfur. NAC (N-acetyl cysteine),.. a precursor of glutathione, is a sulfur-based derivative of the amino acid L-cysteine. And cysteine is the rate limiting factor of 3 amino acids that make up glutathione. So NAC is very beneficial for detoxing as well. These sulfur-based compounds can detox your blood and tissues of the body,.. removing toxins, metals, and harmful byproducts of metabolism. The liver’s main function is to filter, clean and detox the blood by neutralizing toxins. Which is why Glutathione stores are greatest in the liver.
I have recently found another very interesting detoxifying substance. It’s a natural mineral with excellent detox properties that can absorb all kinds of harmful things into its honeycomb structure. It’s called Zeolite Clinoptilolite. And this detoxes your GI tract similar to what activated charcoal would do. But charcoal is very limited in what toxins it can remove. Whereas Zeolite Clinoptilolite (ZC) is an alkaline mineral that is very porous, and is one of the very few minerals that is negatively charged by nature. Since most toxic elements such as mercury, lead and cadmium are positively charged, ZC is pulled to these elements, like a magnet, and sucks them up into its structure…
“Naturally occurring zeolite material, clinoptilolite, has been widely studied in veterinary and human medicine. Due to a number of positive effects on health, including detoxification properties, the usage of clinoptilolite-based products in vivo has increased enormously.” Critical Review on Zeolite Clinoptilolite Safety and Medical Applications in vivo (Croatia 2018)
“ZC is an excellent detoxifying, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. As a result, it is been used in many industrial applications ranging from environmental remediation to oral applications/supplementation in vivo in humans as food supplements or medical devices.” Zeolite Clinoptilolite: Therapeutic Virtues of an Ancient Mineral (Italy 2019)
“A growing body of research shows that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and especially Parkinson’s (PD) are intricately related to intestinal health and the gut microbiome [gut/brain axis] and that both diseases can spread retrogradely from the gut to the brain. The current review describes and discusses the numerous positive effects of clinoptilolite…. on gut health and the gut microbiome, as well as their detoxifying, antioxidative, immunostimulatory, and anti-inflammatory effects, relevant to the treatment of…. AD and PD.” Zeolite and Neurodegenerative Diseases (Bulgaria 2024)
One of the reasons this natural mineral is so effective,.. is its honeycomb, hexagonal structure. It’s well known the hexagon is the most efficient and the strongest of all shapes. That shape is present all throughout nature. But when we saw the hexagonal vortex on the north pole of Saturn, boy were we surprised. How could wind take that shape? We still don’t know. What we do know, is that ZC is so structurally stable, it takes temps of molten lava to degrade it.
But I digress…
The benefits of detoxing should not be overlooked. In two studies with ZC below, by the same author, it’s been shown to help those with IBS (Irritable Bowel syndrome). One was a small RCT that showed it also increased beneficial bacteria…
Zeolite modulates inflammation markers in irritable bowel disease - a randomized, double blinded, controlled pilot trial (Austria 2021)
Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) in the Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome – a Non-Interventional Study (Austria 2024)
And what about its safety?
“An important factor in understanding why the use of zeolites is on the rise is that they are harmless to humans, which is recognized by various organizations. This circumstance makes it possible to develop new technological processes without much precaution and without increasing risk. Zeolites are classified as “Safe Substances for Food and Feed Additives” by the European Food Safety Authorities and are “Generally Recognized as Safe” (GRAS) by the United States Food and Drug Administration. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) also endorses zeolites as non-toxic materials.” Ion Exchange in Natural Clinoptilolite: Aspects Related to Its Structure and Applications (Russia 2022)
Of Note: There is one zeolite called erionite, that is suspected to be carcinogenic. But that is considered erroneous. Just play it safe and stick with clinoptilolite. Published evidence has even shown clinoptilolite to have anti-cancer properties…
“Clinoptilolite treatment of mice and dogs suffering from a variety of tumor types led to improvement in the overall health status, prolongation of life-span, and decrease in tumors size. Local application of clinoptilolite to skin cancers of dogs effectively reduced tumor formation and growth.” Zeolite Clinoptilolite: new adjuvant in anticancer therapy (Croatia 2001)
This last study shows ZC can also bind to virus particles, including that of SARS-CoV-2…
“Binding of viruses by mineral substances has already been demonstrated using sand and soil beds, diatomaceous earth, diosmectite and clays…. One such potent mineral, called zeolite, has demonstrated interesting properties to fight viral diseases in animals…. Clinoptilolite-tuff, showed antiviral properties [in vitro] against adenoviruses, enteroviruses and herpes virus.
The ability of PCT (purified clinoptilolite-tuff) to bind and inactivate…. several variants of SARS-CoV-2,… could clearly be demonstrated. Our results suggest that PCT….. may represent a natural, safe and effective candidate… to reduce SARS-CoV-2 infectivity and virus spread in patients or as an adjunct in the prophylaxis of the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.” Binding and inactivation of human coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, by clinoptilolite (Austria 2023)
Of Note: I recommend not buying the free powder form, if interested. Powder or dust of ZC will irritate the respiratory tract, if it accidently gets airborne, since it is micronized. Also, it is alkaline and will reduce the pH of your stomach acid. Buying it in capsules will eliminate those possibilities. ZC also comes in different forms. Micronized TMA (tribomechanically activated) clinoptilolite 95% is what to look for.
Even though, you might not of heard of this remarkable mineral, you have been the beneficiary of it for sometime. It is used regularly on the livestock we eat. Cattle, swine and poultry have all been aided by its detoxifying action, clearly providing improved fitness and productivity. Therefore we benefit from better quality meat, eggs, milk, etc...
I have noticed benefits from this mineral quite quickly. But then,.. I’m a perfect test subject for all these helpful supplements. With a few comorbidities and my advanced age, I can’t help but notice improvements in my health and wellbeing, when I come across something with amazing properties. Not everything has marked benefits, but I’ve found quite a few things that do. Like pre and probiotics, digestive enzymes, NAC, and Zeolite Clinoptilolite, just to name a few.
Last thing on detoxing,.. drink plenty of distilled water. It is the greatest tool for cleaning out the bloodstream, which is the only function water really has,.. to cleanse, clear and purify your circulatory system. That is of course along with it being the world’s best solvent. It will also naturally cleanse your GI tract. Is it any wonder we are told to drink plenty of fluids with any medication and/or supplement? We have been misled to believe that distilled water robs minerals out of the body. It does no such thing. Plus any minerals found in tap or spring water are inorganic, which cannot be assimilated (digested) by the body. The only minerals that can be utilized by the body, are organic minerals from food. All other types are foreign substances and must be disposed of. But don’t take my word for it, here are many experts espousing its benefits… Experts Tell The Truth About Distilled Water
Nothing travels the same path through time. Which is why every snowflake is different, why every person is different and every microbiome is different. And so here, you have multiple ways to improve and protect the complexity and diversity of your gut and microbiome.
Almost everyone on the planet has been exposed to spike proteins,.. whether from vaccination, viral infection, and/or shedding. It’s now also creeping into the meat we eat, through the vaccination of livestock. Therefore, we all need to pay a little more attention when toxic, GMO spike proteins,… have painted a bull's-eye on our gut and microbiome. Keeping your gut happy and healthy, goes a long way in improving your overall immune function and general wellbeing.
Stay safe and be well…
I enjoyed reading through this, thank you for sharing. Bravo and bless you for kicking cancer!
Did you know that Burdock contains inulin? Combined with dandelion is a beautiful blood cleanser.
In this time of toxin bombardment, sources of exposure should be identified and eliminated - especially with cancer. It's hard but not impossible.