When I began this substack, my most popular post at the time, was one on a possible remedy for long COVID (PASC) and/or vax injured by Dr. Bruce Patterson. He created the first diagnostic test for PASC and the vax injured. And those tests have been officially adopted by the European Union in 2022. While the US still insists to this day,… there are no diagnostic tests for these conditions. He also created a treatment protocol using two, very well known drugs, to relieve many of the long-term symptoms, based on the underlying premise of vascular inflammation being the root cause. And while it has been of some help to many, it has not picked up any steam. Most likely due to its suppression by Big Pharma, and its use of some very serious medications. More on that treatment in these two earlier posts of mine…
Additional Info on Novel Treatment for Long-Haulers and Vaccine Injured
New Info on Treatment for Long Haulers and the Vaccine Injured
What I would like to speak on today, is another remedy being investigated. That deals with many of the neurological symptoms suffered by these individuals. There is now evidence, the spike protein has been shown to occupy the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. And they are expressed by both neuronal and nonneuronal cells throughout the body. These are the same receptors that nicotine uses. And so in taking nicotine, it can displace the spike and relieve the brain fog and other symptoms suffered by long haulers and those vax injured. It seems ACE-2 isn't the only receptor the spike has an affinity for. No one is suggesting to start smoking or vaping. But patches and gum might be worth looking into, especially for those suffering terribly. And before anyone says,… why risk a nicotine addiction?… remember, there are many out there who are much worse off. Many suffering with long-term symptoms, whether from the vax or virus, have been bedridden, disabled, and unemployed. Many have been dealing with these debilitating symptoms for a very long time, and are at their wits end, and would like some semblance of their lives back.
It is estimated, millions of children are suffering from Long COVID (PASC), and/or vax injuries. And by all accounts, they were least affected by the virus. All age groups worldwide, are assessed at 65 million afflicted with long-term symptoms.
Now I don’t see how this promising remedy would be made available for children,… but it would certainly be a viable option for adults.
Right now, there is no recognized treatments for long-COVID or the vax injured. Governments are dragging their heels in seeking solutions. In the US, Congress allocated over a billion dollars to find answers, and have nothing to show for it.
The disruption of these nicotinic acetylcholine receptors can easily explain many of the symptoms that these people suffer with. i.e... brain fog, weakness, fatigue, muscle pain, POTS, etc... Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor - Wikipedia
And these symptoms are what many of the nicotine user comments say have improved... Anyone using Nicotine patches for Long Covid? | Page 15 | Mayo Clinic
To understand how nicotine might help, we have to understand what the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are,.. also what they control and regulate. This abstract sums it up quite nicely…
“Following a SARS-CoV-2 infection, many individuals suffer from post-COVID-19 syndrome. It makes them unable to proceed with common everyday activities due to weakness, memory lapses, pain, dyspnea and other unspecific physical complaints. Several investigators could demonstrate that the SARS-CoV-2 related spike…. attaches not only to ACE-2 receptors but also shows…. [an affinity] to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). The nAChR is the principal structure of…. neuromodulation and is responsible for coordinated neuronal network interaction. Viral [spike] nAChR attachment compromises integrative inter-neuronal communication substantially. This explains the cognitive, neuromuscular and mood impairment, as well as the vegetative symptoms, characterizing post-COVID-19 syndrome. …..Nicotine shows up to 30-fold higher affinity to nACHRs than acetylcholine (ACh). We therefore hypothesize that this molecule could displace the virus from nAChR attachment and pave the way for unimpaired cholinergic signal transmission. Treating several individuals suffering from post-COVID-19 syndrome with a nicotine patch application, we witnessed improvements ranging from immediate and substantial to complete remission in a matter of days.” Is the post-COVID-19 syndrome a severe impairment of acetylcholine-orchestrated neuromodulation that responds to nicotine administration? (Germany 2023)
And as shown above, in the user comments, many who have tried nicotine, have seen improvements in their symptoms.
This is one of the first papers, showing a connection between SARS-CoV-2 and the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors…
“In conclusion, we propose, and try to justify, the hypothesis that nAChRs play a critical role in the pathophysiology of SARS-CoV-2 infection and as a consequence propose nicotine…. as a possible therapy for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Interestingly, Ivermectin, which has been recently shown to inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in cells in vitro, is a positive allosteric [enhancing] modulator of α7 nAChR.” A nicotinic hypothesis for Covid-19 with preventive and therapeutic implications (France 2020)
And this study below, also confirms that the spike does indeed bind to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors…
“Our results predict that…. the spike protein has affinity for nAChRs. The region in the spike responsible for binding to nAChRs harbors the PRRA motif and shares high sequence similarity with neurotoxins known to be nAChR antagonists.” A potential interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (UK 2021)
And as shown in the first study presented,.. nicotine has a 30-fold higher affinity to nACHRs than acetylcholine. Which is the neurotransmitter that these receptors are designed to bind with. So there is no doubt that nicotine can easily displace the spike from these receptors. As demonstrated in this illustration from the study…
Here is another graphic below, from another, not previously mentioned paper from Greece, showing the interaction between SARS-CoV-2 and the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and the potential therapeutic implications…
Now I am usually all about promoting drugs and nutrients that are extremely safe. As in ‘first do no harm”. This is an obvious exception. Nicotine can be very dangerous if used improperly. It can also be addictive. But as with any treatment, a risk/benefit ratio must be applied. Does the benefit outweigh the risks involved. That is ultimately a decision for you to decide,.. with the consultation and supervision from your primary care provider.
In this article below, a couple of professionals, a neuroscientist and a designer, have also seen improvements in their long-term symptoms. The article also quotes a doctor who prescribes nicotine patches to her patients, as treatment for these conditions. I normally only quote from studies, but one of these long-haulers is a neuroscientist…
“Neuroscientist Janna Moen, PhD, never expected her doctoral research on nicotinic receptor pharmacology to intersect so closely with her health…. Long COVID left the 32-year-old struggling with a slew of debilitating symptoms, driving her to explore several avenues for relief…. According to Moen, when these receptors behave properly, they help manage inflammation, autonomic functions like blood pressure and breathing, and cognition…. “Nicotinic receptors are involved in many processes that overlap with long COVID symptoms, such as memory, motor coordination, autonomic functions, and immune and vascular system regulation,”…. [Moen] saw significant improvement in her dysautonomia symptoms and orthostatic intolerance after experimenting with the patches…” Could Nicotine Patches Help Treat Long COVID Symptoms?
Here are more references on nicotine’s benefits, adverse events, and how patches and gum work, including its risks and possible effects…
Is Nicotine All Bad? | Scientific American
Nicotine Patch: Effectiveness, Dosages, and Side Effects - Very Well
Nicotine: Facts, effects, and dependency - Medical News Today
I have been addicted to nicotine for 40+ years. Anyone telling you it is not addictive,… is full of it. I have been vaping now for better than 10 years, and it has allowed me to give up smoking cigarettes entirely. I strongly recommend anyone who has not smoked, or used nicotine before, to start very slowly with a low dose. The majority of people who begin smoking, start slowly with maybe a few cigs a day, like I did. Until one day, your up to two plus packs a day. So I suggest to do the same with gum or patches. Build a little tolerance to avoid any sudden side effects. They say gum and patches are less addictive, but like I said,… if you never used nicotine before, it will likely cause some adverse reactions, until you get used to it some. So start slow under a doctor’s supervision.
In conclusion, I would just like to say, these people are in need of some serious help. They are intentionally being ignored by authorities. They won’t even recognize vax injuries. Most doctors treating these patients, conclude most of them are vax injured and not PASC (Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2). They also state, on the whole, vax injuries are tougher to deal with. Both conditions are similar, due to the toxic effects of the spike protein. But the vax injured also have to deal with the cytotoxic lipid nanoparticles. And the longer they suffer with these seriously debilitating conditions, the less likely they will be able to make a full recovery. Damages occurred over a longer time period, are much more difficult to overcome. So anything that might be of help, should have been thoroughly investigated already. Instead, authorities have been actively pursuing a cover-up of the damage caused.
I know this won’t be a popular post to some, and I fully expect to lose some subscribers. But my posts were never meant to be crowd-pleasing. They are meant to provide evidence based info to help people find some semblance of health.
All the best, and stay safe….
I have read and tend to believe that nicotine itself is not addictive. However, used in the form of cigarettes the hundreds of other added chemicals are designed to be addictive. I too, was once addicted to nicotine, hence, cigarettes, for many years. My habit started from birth, meaning all my family were smokers. We used to have regular family get-togethers that would include a room so filled with smoke it burnt your eyesto be in the same room! Don't look down on my family, the docs said smoking was a "healthy" thing to do. At age 12 I began stealing from my parents cig packs and was a pack and half smoker for the 40+ years. I used "pouch" tobacco to get my "hit" as a way to protect my lungs since my father had lung cancer earlier. It helped with respiratory (smoker's cough, morning phelm, shortness of breath during exertion, etc.) symptoms which to me seemed a normal part of life. Finally, when I embraced my faith seriously desiring to know real truth, nicotine addiction seemed to be the only thing that troubled my conscience. So I determined to quit, once more, after hundreds of failed attempts over past years. It finally came down to a test of my own sincerity and whether or not I had a faith that would truly deliver. If I believed in a power to ressurect my dead body and the same Word gave testimony that He would give life to my "mortal" body, the one I'm in now, then it was up to me to excercise that faith. Romans 8:11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.
With this new found true faith power I quit all tobacoo 10 or 15 years ago. Give God all the glory because I had not the strength within myself until I found this understanding and stepped into His promise. For me, the first three days was the toughest and I reasoned if He could carry me for 72 hours of the worst, I could return my commitment to His promise for less difficult days to come. At this point each day became easier than the ones I had already conquered leaving me with the responsibility to stay the course or else take the responsibility for any failure I might allow. Now, the only thing about smoking that bothersme is not you blowing your smoke in my face or wishing for somethng from the past that I truly enjoyed (but was injurious to me physically and spiritually) but for dirty ash trays. Dirty ash-tray smell makes me want to puke!
I now use chewing gum nicotine on occasion as remedial prevention with covid. I do not like chewing it and have to make myself do this, so I have absolutely no fear of developing a habit.
I hope this helps someone. I feel God may have given us tobacoo for a reason but the greedy capitalist took advantage of it just as they have everything else.
As a retired industrial organic chemistry researcher ( not drugs, a PhD) with reading interests in medicinal chemistry, the structure of Nicotine has fascinated me as a potential anti viral. I have explained it in many other fora. I used to wonder if smokers were less prone to covid infection and you indicate that some statistics supports this premise. This chemistry applies as well to the vaccine spike proteins too. Its suspected addiction propensity ( not as tobacco) should be a concern if used as a long term course. I think intermittent courses of nicotine products should be, depending on the extent of the symptoms. I have suggested another approach to some researchers, without any response, slightly involved. This is adding one mole of a Cetyl group ( one step synthesis) to Nicotine. There are two moles of Nitrogen - one aromatic (pyridine) and one saturated ring tertiary nitrogen. These two nitrogens then will become partially cationic ( one mole). This will look very similar to Cetyl Pyridinium Chloride ( CPC), the common mouth wash ingredient, known to have killed the virus in seconds. Both will be cationic molecules. The idea here is that this will even improve the performance of Nicotine, without probably the addiction potential, as it becomes a therapeutic drug. If you know any researcher interested in this chemistry and potential, you may put him onto me. I am from India, 9886628784.