I would like to make the argument on why everyone should have Ivermectin in their medicine cabinet. In short, it’s dirt cheap, extremely safe, and extraordinarily effective.
In quick summary, if you don't want to read all the details...
It is dirt cheap, even out of pocket. I get close to a year's supply for under 10 bucks. How insane is that? Even if you have to get it from India and spend 30, 40, $50 in shipping costs,... how is it not worth it? You are spending what,... $5 a month? I would try your doctor first and have him write you a script. But if there is a problem, it is still widely available. Don't let anyone price gouge you. Shop around. It costs pennies on the dollar to produce.
The med has won a Nobel Prize for its safety and efficacy. It is so safe, that at the height of the pandemic, when they were making it very difficult for us to obtain, people were going to their pet shops and buying veterinary-grade Ivermectin meant for 1,000 lb horses. And yet,... The American Association of Poison Control Centers reported, no one died from Ivermectin poisoning among the 2,112 cases logged from January 1 to December 14, 2021. Whereas, Acetaminophen (Tylenol) generated 47,000 reports in 2019 and led to 164 deaths. That's how safe it is. And yet, you didn't see a CDC Health Advisory on Tylenol, as there was on Ivermectin, now did you? CDC Health Advisory on Ivermectin
There are now 99 studies showing the benefits of Ivermectin for COVID. With it excelling in preventing infection. That is the key, and why you need to have it handy. It wouldn't be as effective, if you were already sick and went to the doctor to get some. It works best prophylactically and as an early treatment. And it is very important these days to protect yourself from infection. I can't stress this enough. Each subsequent COVID infection increases risks to our health. Studies have shown this. More on this later.
The chart below includes 17 studies, all showing a tremendous efficacy in prevention. All the studies together, show an 85% risk reduction, protecting you from getting infected. That is just an incredible stat. I challenge anyone to find that kind of effectiveness, with any drug for any condition. Not one of the 17 studies have shown a benefit under 50%, much less no benefit. That is just remarkable. So as Dr. Kory said before Congress,… “If you take it, you will not get sick.”
Just FYI,.. Under U.S. law, there is no particular level of efficacy required for a new drug to be approved. So drugs with near-zero efficacy can be FDA approved, prescribed, and sold. Don’t you just love lawyers who understand the US law code? In fact, there are many drugs, FDA approved, that have not shown any clinical benefit.
Now naysayers will say some of these studies are not reliable, sloppily done, or not credible. But even if you were to exclude some, the risk reduction would not change. Because they all show a tremendous benefit greater than 50%…
Now that I have shown you how safe, cheap and effective Ivermectin is,… let me explain why we should all have it handy in more detail.
There is startling evidence that the mRNA vaccines cause immune suppression with multiple shots. I have written of this in earlier articles…
More Evidence On mRNA Vaccines Weakening Immunity - ohbaby's substack
Cancer, Prevention and Booster Shots - ohbaby's substack
This is cause for extreme concern. Cause not only do further booster shots increase the immune suppression, but so too does any subsequent COVID infection. So those vaccinated, do not want to catch COVID and weaken their immunity even further. It’s been shown that IgG4 antibody levels increase with both additional booster shots and/or subsequent COVID infections.
That’s not to say the unvaccinated are out of the woods altogether. Let me clarify. The unvaccinated are not effected by this increase in immune suppression, brought about by the mRNA shots hiking IgG4 levels. But,… this weaponized virus still has the potential to cause harm. And this large study shows that repeated breakthrough infections, even though we should have natural immunity,... increases the risk of injury to various organ systems. And the more reinfections the greater the risk…
“Whether reinfection adds to risks incurred after first infection is unclear. Here we used the US Department of Veterans Affairs’ national healthcare database to build a cohort of individuals with one SARS-CoV-2 infection (n = 443,588), reinfection (two or more infections, n = 40,947) and a noninfected control (n = 5,334,729)…. Compared to no reinfection, reinfection contributed additional risks of death (hazard ratio (HR) = 2.17, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.93–2.45), hospitalization (HR = 3.32, 95% CI 3.13–3.51) and sequelae including pulmonary, cardiovascular, hematological, diabetes, gastrointestinal, kidney, mental health, musculoskeletal and neurological disorders. The risks were evident regardless of vaccination status. The risks were most pronounced in the acute phase but persisted in the post acute phase at 6 months. Compared to noninfected controls, cumulative risks and burdens of repeat infection increased according to the number of infections…. The findings highlight the clinical consequences of reinfection and emphasize the importance of preventing reinfection by SARS-CoV-2.” Acute and post acute sequelae associated with SARS-CoV-2 reinfection (St. Louis, Missouri 2022)
Here is a chart from this paper,… that makes clear the increasing health risk with reinfections…

Natural/acquired immunity has never worked well with coronaviruses. They mutate too frequently. Which is also why vaccines for them, has always been a bad idea. In early 2024, the SARS-CoV-2 strain at that time, had 30 new mutations on its spike protein. A new record. Just passing the amount of change that happened between Delta and Omicron variants. So it is no wonder why our memory immune cells, antibodies, etc… all parts of our adaptive immune response, won’t recognize or protect us from the latest variants. This is very similar to why we can’t develop immunity to common cold viruses. And why vaccines for them, have never been explored. You see how ineffective flu shots are don’t you?
So what to do? This virus isn't going anywhere. The authors of this paper didn't propose any solutions. And some doctor on YouTube going over this study, didn't provide any answers either. And we know these mRNA vaccines are useless in preventing infection,… putting aside their associated harms to our health.
But there is one solution, which I believe is quite obvious. Here is Dr. Pierre Kory’s expert testimony before a Senate Committee, on what that obvious solution is…
Now that I’ve shown you why we should have it handy, and how effective, safe and affordable it is,… I have to tell you, that isn’t even the half of it. Have you ever heard of a remedy for the common cold? Sure, if you heard some snake oil salesman touting one. I think everyone knows that’s a fantasy. Or so I thought. I have personally experienced Ivermectin knocking out a cold. I don’t get many colds, ever since I started supplementing nutrients ten years ago. And now, any time I feel something coming on, I have to assume it’s likely COVID. After all, it is still very prevalent and more infectious than ever. So whether it was COVID or a common cold, Ivermectin stopped it in its tracks in no time whatsoever. And in retrospect, why wouldn’t it be effective for a cold? It has broad spectrum antiviral activity against many viruses, including H7N7, Dengue, HIV-1, Simian virus 40, Zika, West Nile, Yellow Fever, Japanese encephalitis, Chikungunya, Semliki Forest virus, Human papillomavirus, Epstein-Barr, BK Polyomavirus, and Sindbis virus. What’s the common cold compared to these? Who knew there was something out there, that would obliterate getting sick. I mean honestly, I love chicken soup, but let’s get real.
Ivermectin is also known to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties as well as immunomodulating effects that would be helpful for many inflammatory conditions. There could be possible benefits for arthritis, all the way to cancer. We know chronic inflammation can lead to cancer. The first reports on the potential antitumor activity of Ivermectin appeared almost 25 years ago.
“Ivermectin is very safe, causing almost no side-effects,… and has proven antitumor activity in preclinical studies. It is now evident that the use of very selective drugs is commonly associated with development of resistance by cancer cells, hence the use of “multitargeted” drugs is important to explore. In this sense, ivermectin has this potential as it modulates several targets…. Existing [safety] information on ivermectin could allow its rapid move into clinical trials for cancer patients.” The multitargeted drug ivermectin: from an anti-parasitic agent to a repositioned cancer drug (Mexico 2018)
In recent years leading up to the pandemic, Ivermectin was being hailed as a potential therapeutic for cancer. It went from showing great promise against one of the leading causes of death, to becoming a dangerous horse dewormer. LOL!
“Ivermectin affects various signaling pathways in tumor cells,…. which are important for cancer cell survival and growth…. Ivermectin has been found to modify the tumor microenvironment by inhibiting the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and reducing the activity of tumor-associated macrophages, which can promote tumor growth. Ivermectin has also been shown to decrease tumor stem cell activity and inhibit angiogenesis,…. In addition to apoptosis, IVM has been found to induce other forms of programmed cell death, including autophagy…. Importantly, the in vivo anti-tumor activity of IVM is achieved at concentrations that can be clinically reachable based on the human pharmacokinetic studies….” View of The Anticancer Potential of Ivermectin: Mechanisms of Action and Therapeutic Implications (Iran 2022)
“Ivermectin causes cell death in cancer cell lines by inducing autophagy, apoptosis and immunogenic cell death through the modulation of some pathways…. Ivermectin can affect the growth and proliferation of cancer cells and plays several different roles…. In addition, ivermectin has potent anti-mitotic activity, targets angiogenesis and inhibits cancer stem cells. Many studies have proven that ivermectin exerts anti-tumor effects and might thus benefit patients with cancer after sufficient clinical trials.” Progress in Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Anti-Tumour Effects of Ivermectin (China 2020)
“Ivermectin effectively suppresses the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells and promotes cancer cell death at doses that are nontoxic to normal cells. Ivermectin shows excellent efficacy against conventional chemotherapy drug-resistant cancer cells and reverses multidrug resistance. Ivermectin regulates multiple signaling pathways. Ivermectin has been used to treat parasitic diseases in humans for many years and can quickly enter clinical trials for the treatment of tumors.” Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug (China 2021)
I love how all these authors say, Ivermectin can go straight into clinical trials because they can skip the safety analysis of this well known, extremely safe drug. Like that might ever happen. Could you imagine an approved treatment for cancer costing pennies on the dollar? You have a better chance of cancer becoming benign and growing you a 3rd leg. It would be more likely we became a world of tripods than to see Ivermectin in clinical trials for cancer. LOL!
But I digress,…
The anti-Ivermectin campaign has waned some. And it should be easier to obtain through your doctor. The state of Tennessee has made it available over-the-counter. Other states have pending legislation to make it OTC as well. Update: The New Hampshire Governor vetoed the bill.
Here is a cancer doc reciting two clinical cases. One was a patient who went to Tennessee to get some Ivermectin that helped him with his metastatic cancer. Just FYI,.. this man was a healthy marathon runner, with no family history of cancer, who presented with stage 4, two months after his second Pfizer shot… A cancer surgeon reveals her striking discovery - Twitter
This surgeon, Dr. Kathleen Ruddy, gave a great explanation on why Ivermectin can be so effective, for so many conditions. i.e… cancer, parasites, viruses, etc… This molecule is created by a single cell organism (S. avermitilis). It’s a bacterium, originally found in the dirt by the discoverer of Ivermectin, for which he won a Nobel Prize. And this single cell organism releases a one size fits all, swiss army knife kind of chemical as a defensive measure. Why? Because bacteria don’t have immune systems and need a broad range of protection. Once you realize this, you could see how this could be a panacea for many conditions. Here she is at the FLCCC conference, Feb. 2024, in a panel discussion with Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Nathan Goodyear, herself and her patient described earlier, discussing cancer and Ivermectin… Cancer: Practical Solutions - FLCCC Alliance
Remember this,…
The FDA was taken to court to explain this tweet. And they had to admit under penalty of law, that this post was merely a quip. A joke. Because they had no authority to denounce a medication, or advise doctors, hospitals, and/or clinics on how to treat patients. They also had to admit in court, "Doctors do have the authority to prescribe Ivermectin to treat COVID."
U.S. Court of Appeals - Apter v. Dept of Health & Human Services (Aug. 2023)
This tweet ruined the lives of many esteemed medical professionals who ignored this ridiculous post and went ahead treating patients with Ivermectin anyway. And in doing so,... many lost their senior positions they worked their entire careers to achieve. Including doctors who brought this lawsuit. Some were even threatened with losing their license to practice medicine. Not to mention being banned from social media accounts and being labeled conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers.
And this is not even a close 2nd to the massive damage imposed on the general public, that resulted in millions of lives lost due to the suppression of this life-saving medication.
Just think about this for a second,... During a major public health crisis,... the likes of which we have never seen in our lifetime, our government health officials, sworn to protect us,... want us to believe they were only making a joke? This is even a bigger joke than their tweet. We all know the truth. This was a deliberate attempt to mislead the public and denigrate a life-saving medication. Naturally, they couldn't admit this in court, so they said it was merely a quip. Mind you, this tweet was posted at a time when Delta was killing someone in the US,…. every 65 seconds.
Their behavior was beyond criminal. How can anyone trust the FDA or the CDC again? I don't see any way this can be possible. Do you?
The 3 judge panel ruled in favor of the doctors who brought this lawsuit, contending that the FDA’s campaign exceeded the agency’s authority under federal law…
“FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse, denounce, or advise,” Judge Don Willett wrote for a panel that also included Jennifer Walker Elrod and Edith Brown Clement. “The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to.” Court revives doctors' lawsuit saying FDA overstepped its authority with anti-ivermectin campaign (Sept. 2023)
Update: That victory allowed them to proceed with their lawsuit against the FDA, seeking compensation for damages as a result their unlawful anti-Ivermectin campaign. Well, as of Friday, March 22, 2024, they have reached a settlement, bringing the case to a close…
If you haven’t been following my newsletters and wonder why there was such a strong, concerted effort to denigrate this life-saving, award winning, and extremely safe medication,… then this excellent, short to the point documentary, will make very clear, how this fraudulent anti-Ivermectin campaign was instrumental in order to conduct this grand criminal conspiracy perpetrated on us. And what was that conspiracy? A money grab of over 100 billion from taxpayers pockets, at the expense of millions of lives lost.
Hydroxychloroquine is another very effective early treatment for COVID. Probably as effective as Ivermectin, but not nearly as safe. It has a very narrow dosing window, making it very easy to overdose. Just doubling the dose may be fatal. When it was smeared alongside Ivermectin early in the pandemic, the WHO, Wellcome Trust and UK government,… funded two studies to show Hydroxychloroquine was ineffective and dangerous. And so they used potentially fatal doses, showing it was harmful. The researchers who conducted those studies, I hear are now facing criminal charges. Although, I’m having a tough time finding evidence of this. There has been a legal inquiry into another unrelated Hydroxychloroquine study, done in Brazil, where the researcher also used very high doses. So who knows…
Just for the record,… the LD50 (amount needed to kill 50% of test samples) for Ivermectin is around 50mg/kg. That’s 125 times the amount recommended to treat a COVID infection (0.4mg/kg).
So given the safety profiles of these two effective early treatments, Ivermectin by far, stands out as the clear choice. It’s a broad spectrum antiviral with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating properties. And because it’s extremely inexpensive and way safer than Tylenol,… can we really afford not to have this in our medicine cabinet? We can’t keep getting infected by this virus… 1,500 Americans dying from COVID each week despite vaccines, treatments - ABC News (Jan. 2024)
Recommended Dosage…
Prophylaxis (Prevention) - 0.2 mg/kg once or twice a week. Depending on how prevalent the virus is in your area. Usually determined by wastewater levels, hospitalizations, news reports, etc…
Take it prophylactically for 4 months and then take the next 2 months off. It accumulates in fat tissue, so you will have some reserve for a while. No harm was seen in taking it continuously, but it’s not necessary. Take only 1 month off, if you prefer.
Why use it on a weekly basis? Because Ivermectin will be protective for 3.5 days. So if taken once a week, you will be exposed for 3 days. It’s possible to become infected in that time,… but before the virus can replicate enough, passing from the incubation to invasion period, you will be taking Ivermectin again.
Early Treatment (if infected with anything, bacterial, viral, whatever) - 0.4 mg/kg daily. Continue use up to a few days after symptoms subside. Symptoms might subside in just a few hours.
Divide your weight (lbs) by 2.2 to get kilograms. I weigh 220 lbs/2.2 = 100 kg. 100 x 0.2 = 20 mg of Ivermectin once weekly. They usually come in tabs of 3, 6 or 12 mg.
The FLCCC Alliance adopted this protocol above from this Argentinian doctor… Argentinian Doctor Shares His Experience with Ivermectin
It has also been helpful to some, but not all, with long-term symptoms and vax injuries.
As mentioned earlier, I get a year’s supply for under 10 bucks. There are hundreds of suppliers listed here. Click on the supplier’s name (to the right of the product) to get more info on that company and deal with them directly. Otherwise your inbox will get flooded with many offers. Don’t let anyone price gouge you. You might have to refresh the page, if popups don’t allow you to view or scroll the page for other suppliers. There,.. you can also find LDN and Mebendazole, Fenben’s cousin, formulated for human use at reasonable prices. The only reason you don’t hear more about Menben, is its ridiculous US cost at $650 per tab,.. ever since it was found effective for cancer. It used to go for less than a dollar per tab, before the US corruptly hiked its price to unconscionable levels.
Please shop diligently, you’re not buying toothpaste…
“In this small-scale study, it was determined that various sources of Ivermectin,…. differ significantly in the rate at which they effectively kill parasitic worms. It is possible that these differences represent variability in the drug’s purity…” Not All Ivermectin Is Created Equal (substack.com)
“Laboratory testing has confirmed that the following 12mg products contain less than the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient declared on the labels: Iversun-12, Covimectin-12, Ivilife-12.” TGA warns about imports of Ivermectin (TGA)
“The products,.. Iverheal-12 and Iverjohn-12 are labelled as containing 12mg of the active pharmaceutical ingredient Ivermectin, however laboratory testing has confirmed that they contain less than the declared amount of Ivermectin written on the labels.” TGA cautions over counterfeit Ivermectin (TGA)
With it having anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, as well as immunomodulating properties,… it would be hard to imagine, we wouldn’t all benefit greatly with having it handy. Particularly when this virus remains an ongoing threat to our health. Especially to those who unknowingly compromised their immunity with repeated vaccinations, including children. This study shows for the first time,… IgG4 levels increase even in toddlers and infants post multiple mRNA shots. Alarmingly, even at a faster rate than adults.
Stay safe and be well…
As the first researcher worldwide who proved clinical effectiveness of IVM against covid, I publicly thank the author for this summary Masterpiece.
Héctor Carvallo PhD
Ivermectin has been the crown jewel in downing this virus and Covid in many parts of the world, almost irreversibly and at a pittance of a cost compared to the Paxlovids, Remdesivirs and Molnupiravirs. This will go down in medical history as a great intervention. In time even the official hostility against it in the West in the context of Covid will wane. Those many of you who have have championed its role via podcasts, video presentations and sub stacks should now work to unravel its huge hidden potential for mankind. Its every capability - anti viral, anti inflammatory, anti parasitic, immuno modulatory, anti cancer etc - must be brought out in full force, through some dedicated and painstaking research. Half the world does not have access to affordable, effective and widely available medicines - particularly against lingering, debilitating diseases. Ivermectin looks like one drug that can fill this gap considerably. I would urge passionate, public spirited medicinal researchers to take up this exercise as a mission. I would look at two issues immediately. Its efficacy against flu and many cancers. The success with the first one would remove the cumbersome annual vaccination rigmorale. It will become simple treatment like any other common infection. Even prophylactic doses in season would make eminent sense in terms of ease of handling. On cancer, it is not just treatment effectiveness, but the costs is the bane. If Ivermectin can relieve even a part of this agony, it will be a boon for the patients. Those who have taken leads on Ivermectin can constitute a programme like “ivermectin for the world” and begin mobilising international efforts.