The Ivermectin Miracle of Uttar Pradesh
Updated March 6th, 2025 (more broken links fixed) They continually try to hide the evidence.
I just want to expand a little on my last article about Ivermectin…
Why It's Important Everyone Should Have Ivermectin Handy - ohbaby’s substack (Jan 2024)
Give a little history on it. In particular, on what transpired in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh during the height of the pandemic there. It's a very interesting story, even if you have no interest in Ivermectin. It's a microcosm on how governments are behaving around the world, kowtowing to the pharmaceutical industry.
Here is the short and sweet version, with the details and evidence to follow....
The largest state of India, Uttar Pradesh has almost the population of the US. The Indian government handed out home kits of Ivermectin during the height of their pandemic. And in a few short weeks went from having the worst outbreak of any country on earth, to the lowest number of cases in the world. We're talking 100's of millions of anecdotal reports, official government COVID-19 statistics and much, much more showing this. Unfortunately, even with its great success, some might even use the word miracle,... the Indian government withdrew its recommendation of Ivermectin. Why you may ask? They started producing their own vaccines. And what good would they be, if there was no longer any pandemic? Incredible, don't you think?
Not all states in India used Ivermectin. Some states abided by the WHO's recommendations not to use it. And the differences in COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths between those states were staggering. So much so, the Indian Bar Association sued the WHO due to those recommendations, saying it has resulted in the death of millions. And this is a very important part of the story. Because a body of lawyers are not going to court without the facts. They are not going to bring some frivolous lawsuit to be laughed out of court due to lack of evidence. This isn’t some two bit ambulance chaser, this is the Indian Bar Association. So you can bet that Ivermectin did work, and worked exceptionally well, as proof of them bringing this lawsuit.
Quite a story don't you think? I wouldn't blame you if you thought I was exaggerating or being somewhat sensational, or that this was some cockeyed figment of my imagination. It is the kind of story that is hard to believe. Well, sad but true, these events are a part of the historical record.
And so if any health official or doctor, regardless of his experience or expertise, tells you Ivermectin does not work,... Ask him how he sleeps at night, telling lies that are as flagrant and as silly as the world is flat.
So if you wish to continue on, here is the factual evidence in detail...
On May 8th, 2020, Peru adopted Ivermectin country-wide...
Ivermectin for COVID-19 in Peru: 14-fold reduction in nationwide excess deaths
Ivermectin was subsequently distributed into many areas of Brazil, Bolivia, and Argentina. It all started in South America. And it was very interesting what happened in Peru. After a 14 fold reduction in COVID deaths there, with the nationwide distribution of Ivermectin,.. a new President took office and restricted use of the med. And lo and behold,... they had a 13 fold increase in deaths soon after. It would be funny if it wasn't such a disaster....
In June 2020, country-wide use of Ivermectin began in Bangladesh, a neighbor of India. India decided on using Ivermectin due to the results they saw there and in Peru...
"According to a leaked inter-agency UN memo dated March 26, 2020 it was predicted that based on the extraordinary human densities in Bangladesh (ranking number 8th in the list of countries by population and comprising 2.11 percent of the entire world population), the impact of Covid-19 without interventions can result in up to 2 million deaths during the epidemic wave. Despite the odds, as of today [Feb. 28th 2021], only about 8,000 deaths have been reported in Bangladesh. With Ivermectin being taken in nearly every household across the country,….." A shield for those waiting for Covishield - The Daily Star
On August 6th, 2020, an expert panel in Uttar Pradesh, made a recommendation to prophylaxis health-care workers and COVID-19 contacts with Ivermectin,… and also to use as a treatment for symptomatic patients. Wayback Machine (
I should point out, at this time, early in the pandemic, it was only used sparingly, for those who really needed it. i.e.. medical staff, sick patients, etc… It was only later when they got hit hard by Delta, that it was distributed to everyone.
On April 22nd, 2021, the Indian Council of Medical Research COVID-19 National Task Force (ICMR) published clinical guidance for management of adult COVID-19 patients. This guideline suggested the use of Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. Newsletter English Clinical Guidelines for management of Adult Covid-19 patients - ICMR (Note: This is another broken link I had to fix.)
On May 10th, 2021, the state of Goa in India announced Ivermectin will be distributed to all adults for prophylaxis....
Ivermectin to all above 18’: Goa approves new COVID-19 treatment protocol - India News
Goa prescribes Ivermectin as prophylaxis for Covid-19 - India News
Indian State Will Offer Ivermectin To Entire Adult Population (
On May 11th, a day later, the state of Karnataka in India announced one million Ivermectin tablets had been procured and their supply was to begin on May 14th. A further 2.5 million tablets were going to be procured for state hospitals. On May 12th, the state of Uttarakhand in India will mass distribute Ivermectin as prophylaxis.
COVID-19: Ivermectin tablets to be distributed among Uttarakhand residents - Oneindia News
Ivermectin tablets to be distributed among Uttarakhand residents to prevent Covid - India Today
The next day, May 13, the state of Odisha in India was to buy 720,000 Ivermectin tablets for patients in isolation, despite the WHO guidance against Ivermectin.
Odisha to buy 7.2 lakh Ivermectin tabs for patients in isolation - Times of India
Why did all these states turn to Ivermectin in rapid succession? Because India got hit very hard by Delta. At that time (April-May 2021), as shown on this chart, they had the worst outbreak of any country on earth.…
"A second wave beginning in March 2021 was much more devastating than the first, with shortages of vaccines, hospital beds, oxygen cylinders and other medical supplies in parts of the country. By late April, India led the world in new and active cases. On 30 April 2021, it became the first country to report over 400,000 new cases in a 24-hour period." COVID-19 pandemic in India - Wikipedia
“58-year-old father Niranjan Pal Singh died on Friday in an ambulance while being ferried from one hospital to another. They had been turned away by four hospitals for a lack of beds.” COVID in Uttar Pradesh: Coronavirus overwhelms India's most populous state - (April 2021)
"Subsequently, a second wave in the form of the Delta variant crashed over India and sent cases spiraling out of control. Deaths were so numerous that bodies were dumped into rivers amid increasing fear and panic gripping the nation. For many Indians, this was the first time they came face to face with Covid." Ivermectin: An Untold Story Of A “Wonder Drug” In India (Eyewitness Account) – The Blogging Hounds (August 2021)
Then after the state began distributing Ivermectin to everyone, free of charge, they had a dramatic turnaround in only a few short weeks….
"Uttar Pradesh might sound obscure to most Americans, but it is the most populated state in India, with urban areas that rival the most densely populated cities in the U.S. Yet, miraculously, despite housing a population of 240 million people, this northern state has been averaging only 24 cases and 0-2 deaths per day in recent months. Despite its size — roughly 73% of the U.S. population — it ranked dead last in cases per capita last week among India's 36 states. What gives? The answer likely lies in the 10-letter "I-word" that you are not allowed to mention on social media: Ivermectin. Evidently, the global medical junta doesn't like the over 60 studies [now more] vouching for the efficacy of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2, especially when used early, but there is something better than a study: pure reality of lived experience. When the state began distributing the drug to everyone, cases plummeted quicker and sharper than anywhere else we've seen in the world, and the gains have held for months with record low cases." The unmistakable ivermectin miracle in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (August 2021)
On August 22nd, 2021, an Indian geriatrician, preventive cardiologist and anti-aging specialist Lenny Da Costa described Ivermectin use in India. According to Costa, beginning from March 2020, India distributed an outpatient home treatment kit containing hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, doxycycline, ivermectin and vitamin C. According to Costa, during the deadly second wave (Delta) in April-May 2021, India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, reduced the number of daily cases from 60,000 to 15,000 in a month by distributing ivermectin to everyone for free. Clinicians did not wait for PCR test results,.. instead, medication was started immediately on the presentation of symptoms. Prescriptions were given for free by telemedicine (WhatsApp). Ivermectin prevented people from infecting others, especially family members. Also, numerous physicians had been using ivermectin since March 2020 for prophylaxis, with none of them getting infected. Even after the Indian government removed Ivermectin from its official recommendations, states continued using Ivermectin. State governments are responsible for its medical care guidelines, not the central government. Dr. Lenny Da Costa - The True Story of Ivermectin in India (
I had mentioned that not all states used Ivermectin. Kerala was one, and had the highest vaccination rate of any state in India. Well to be clear, Kerala did have Ivermectin in their state’s guidelines in April 2021, but restricted it’s use for severe disease as a late treatment, if used at all. And then they did away with it entirely on August 5th 2021. Below is Kerala in comparison with Uttar Pradesh, in cases per million at the time of the Delta wave.
Then in September, news reports tell of the complete eradication of the virus in Uttar Pradesh, with only 199 active cases within a population of 240 million…
33 districts in Uttar Pradesh are now COVID-free: State govt - Hindustan Times (Sep 10, 2021)
29 Uttar Pradesh districts are Covid-19 free, says state govt - Times of India (Sept 6th, 2021)
India: 31 districts of Uttar Pradesh are Covid free, says state government - Khaleej Times (Sept 20th, 2021)
Just an aside,… In all these announcements, on the great success in Uttar Pradesh,… there’s not one mention of Ivermectin.
Then remarkably, just as the miracle of Uttar Pradesh came to fruition, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) dropped Ivermectin from its clinical guidelines. This happened only weeks after Uttar Pradesh was declared COVID-free.
ICMR drops Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine drugs from COVID treatment - India Times (Sept. 24th 2021)
Why HCQ and Ivermectin were removed from India’s COVID-19 treatment protocol - India Today (Sept. 26th 2021)
And well, as you already know,… it wasn’t long after that, India had begun mass producing their own vaccines. Two were approved in December 2021. So naturally to make them profitable, they did away with the one thing that would render them irrelevant and unwarranted.
India approves Corbevax, Covovax vaccines for emergency use - India Times (Dec. 29th 2021)
COVOVAX Vaccine - Serum Institute Of India
India’s first mRNA COVID-19 vaccine likely to be rolled out by April - The Hindu (Feb. 9th 2022)
Of course,.. I really couldn’t imagine how they would be marketable. After all, states were still using Ivermectin, even though the central government pulled its recommendation. And the people of India, know very well indeed how effective it is. I guess corporate greed is so tempting, so enticing, it trumps common sense. But then, maybe the people of India would prefer a couple of shots, not knowing the dangers, than to take something regularly for who knows how long. And so in a very bizarre twist, India became the 2nd nation on earth, behind China,…. to administer two billion COVID jabs! India becomes second country to cross two billion COVID jabs - (July 2022)
It’s like we live in Bizarro World. I thought the Indian people were smarter than that. They were the beneficiary of a tremendously effective remedy, with an excellent safety profile,… and yet they still opted to get the shots? Why? Why would they do that? It’s not like here in the US, where everyone thinks Ivermectin is a horse paste. Over in India, they knew, first hand how it effective it was.…
Oh, and I almost forgot,…
“The Indian Bar Association (IBA) sued WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan on May 25, [2021] accusing her in a 71-point brief of causing the deaths of Indian citizens by misleading them about Ivermectin. Point 52 reads, “It seems you have deliberately opted for deaths of people to achieve your ulterior goals, and this is sufficient grounds for criminal prosecution against you.” The brief accused Swaminathan of misconduct by using her position as a health authority to further the agenda of special interests to maintain an EUA for the lucrative vaccine industry.” Indian Bar Association sues WHO scientist over Ivermectin -
I had mentioned a few countries above who adopted Ivermectin, but there were many more…. What Countries are Using Ivermectin? Ivermectin Tracker by Country
There is no doubt Ivermectin works. With it excelling as a prophylactic. And as shown in my last article, it has a wide range of benefits. With its anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, as well as immunomodulating properties,… it’s hard to believe we wouldn’t all benefit greatly with having it handy. Particularly when this virus remains an ongoing threat to our health.
Stay safe and be well….
Excellent real life story this. My compliments to ohbaby. There is no doubt about the prophylactic potential of IVM in Covid. The highly populous state of UP ( and very backward in social indices) had not resorted to the large scale prophylactic use of IVM during the Delta burst in April/May 2021, the cases and hence deaths would have reached sky high. I am from India and has followed this Covid story everywhere closely. It is also correct not many states followed the Ivermectin protocol seriously. However, in the second half of 2021, cases, hospitalisations and deaths began dropping dramatically. Yes, by mid 2021 only about 15%of the 1.3 billion population had been double vaccinated ( Astra Zeneca one, made in the country) and by end 2021 this rose to about 80% of the population. Honestly, I don’t ascribe the dramatic fall in numbers in the second half of 2021 to this. Doctors, hundreds of thousands of them, who were aware of the value of early treatment protocols with standard URT medications ( Azithromycin, Montelukast, Levocetrizine and the like) massively took to this protocol in the mid months of 2021 at the height of the delta wave. I will explain later how this cut down the spread drastically. This protocol became a standard outpatient treatment, individual viral load build up came down, and with it the chance of the severe second phase ( auto immune) occurring around the 8th day disappeared. Ivermectin was used in this protocol by many doctors but not massively. It did provide its therapeutic value, but it was not a compulsory in the multi drug repurposed protocol very widely accepted. So the role of this protocol should not be gainsaid.
The vaccination did not prevent a country wide Omicron burst in early 2022, but this repurposed protocol did. In Jan 2022, I went for this type of protocol on my own ( I am not a doctor, but an old PhD organic chemist) with telling results. If interested I can put up a list of dozen odd drugs that I collected from about 15 prescriptions. The wave disappeared as quickly as it came. Since mid 2022, we had literally stopped talking about Covid. Around that time vaccinations also came to a halt, with only about 15% taking a third shot. People and in turn the govt also gave up on repeat vaccinations.
Ivermectin was an off label antiviral, but most of the other drugs in the protocol too were off label anti viral, by virtue of their some shared chemical structure features. They were all basically belonging to a group/classification called “Cationic Amphiphilic Drugs” (CADs), long known to be anti viral despite their main indications. In Omicron wave, this early treatment became almost institutional. When the first infected in the family is treated early ( on the basis of symptoms), with this multi drug prescriptions, he/she recovers quickly without reaching a large viral load build up. The viral load he carries at the max is not enough to infect others in the family. The family is spared. And the bonus. They get passive exposure to the virus giving them the preferred natural immunity. Multiply this over thousands of households in a community - there is no spread and every one has acquired the herd immunity. The virus retires. Precisely what happened here between mid 2021 and mid 2022. We never used the Paxlovids and Molnupiravirs. Our outpatient treatment, including two consultations, did not cost more than 30 dollars. The poor had this for free in the community health centres and hospitals.
IIRC, when Daszak from EcoHealth Alliance, Faucele’s cutout for conducting the research, was trying to get DARPA to kick in money for the Wuhan lab back before the pandemic, he tried to assuage their concerns about their illegal research getting loose by saying that IVM was an effective treatment. So Faucele knew too. How many died needlessly due to his protocols that forbade IVM? Strangely, Faucele sent Daszak to Wuhan to get to the bottom of whether the origin was the lab or the wet market. Daszak lied and said it was the wet market. They both knew. I have zero trust in doctors unless they fought the narrative in real time. Far too many of them were either evil and greedy, were ignorant patsies or were just plain cowards.