Well if you weren’t aware, a massive development has begun. And it is only the beginning. Big Pharma and Global Corporate interest have declared war on our freedoms. In France, the Macron regime has passed a law, making it a punishable crime for anyone advising against the use of mRNA vaccines, or other "medical treatments" deemed suitable by government health standards. Critics call the law "Article Pfizer."
“In the future, a new criminal offence in France could put people in prison who ask them to refrain from appropriate medical treatment (according to "science"). The bill was pushed through the National Assembly on Wednesday [Feb. 14th, 2024]…. Without much attention, a law was passed in France on Wednesday that can criminalize resistance to mRNA treatment. Anyone who advises against mRNA or other "medical treatments"…… can go to prison for up to three years or receive a fine of up to 45,000 euros.” France: mRNA criticism punishable in the future - Telekom Presse
This blockbuster press release comes from an online news site,… based in Austria of all places. Go ahead and google: Article Pfizer or France Pfizer Amendment and see if anything comes up. I think I hear crickets chirping.
Let me please explain and give background, in how I believe this came about. And why they felt it was necessary to take these steps. Then see if you agree. If I may….
Big Pharma knew beforehand, their COVID vaccines would be toxic, a full year before they were rolled out. I provided the evidence for this here…
BioNTech/Pfizer and the EMA Knew the Vaccines were Toxic
And so they fudged the results of their clinical trials to get approval. Which by the way, was not on the product that they distributed to billions, as explained here in the documented bait and switch…
Blockbuster Revelation - The Jabs You Received Were Never Tested
So it wasn’t any surprise to vaccine makers how absolutely horrific, these untested, experimental, mRNA vaccines truly were. As illustrated here in this article, showing a staggering amount of adverse events, reported in databases around the world, such as VAERS, VigiAccess (WHO’s database), Western Australia and the CDC’s own vaccine monitoring system (V-Safe)…
Where Is The Outrage With Us Being Treated Like Guinea Pigs?
And who can forget this well conducted study from Switzerland in 2023. Where hospital employees taking the Moderna booster resulted in,… 1 in 35 suffering myocardial injury. I love how Dr. John Campbell assesses the risk found in this study….
If anyone, after all this time and abundant evidence says,… the vaccines are safe and effective, they live in a fantasy world and should be off to see the wizard.
Of course, Big Pharma knew what was going to unfold. So they implemented smear campaigns, taking down anyone speaking out against the vaccines. Tried desperately to hide data, i.e… FDA wanted 75 years to publicly release data that they went through in 108 days for the EUA. The CDC withheld their V-Safe data after 3 FOIA request and two lawsuits, before finally being court ordered to cough it up. Even today, multiple government health agencies refuse to divulge what their acceptance criteria was for these mRNA vaccines.
With governments and mass media under the thumb of Big Pharma, “Brought to you by Pfizer”, they have censored all discussions, online, on the air, and in print. And as a result, we hear very little on the dangers of these toxic clot shots, while they continue to promote them. And they have no intention of letting up. As shown by this incredible development in France, making it a crime to speak out against the vaccines. Had I written this in Paris, they would likely track me down and throw me in jail.
But of course, this isn’t news to you, is it? I’m sure you have seen this on CNN, or the BBC, or some other major news outlet, haven’t you? LOL! Freedom of speech being taken away in a democratic society must have been front page news somewhere, no? LOL!
And if you think this can never happen here in the US, I would caution you,.. to never say never. Yes, we have a constitution guaranteeing our freedom of speech, but that is being whittled away as we speak. As shown by the massive censorship campaign going on. And why couldn’t congress pass a draconian law under the guise of misinformation and disinformation? I’ll bet Clarence Thomas and his buddies who buy him boats, would gladly uphold such a law.
Make no mistake, this is a template for other governments looking for a legal means of controlling public discourse when it comes to health and medical care.
Prior to this French law passing, Australians have been trying to push through the Communications Legislation Amendment Bill. To combat misinformation and disinformation online. It would give the government powers to penalized social media platforms. As if there wasn’t enough censorship online already. This bill is still in the public consultation stage.
“Online platforms spreading misinformation could face millions of dollars in penalties under new proposed government legislation that bolsters the power of Australia's media watchdog.” Millions of dollars in fines to punish online misinformation under new draft bill - ABC News Australia
So as you can see, Big Pharma and their partners in crime are doubling down to keep their cash cow afloat. After all, they are investing billions more, in partnership with governments, building labs around the world to expand this extremely flawed and toxic mRNA technology. And it looks like there is nothing they wouldn’t do to make this happen. And if you don’t agree with this take, at least I know some do….
I get a kick on their new approach to bolster sales. But in actuality, this is all pretty damn depressing. A new study this month (Feb. 2024) kind of suggests,… those with long COVID, should get jabbed as they have seen some improvements in their symptoms. That’s just what they need, more toxic uncontrolled spike to ease their symptoms. Simply incredible.
Update: Another substack writer, The Naked Emperor has just reported (Aug. 2024) on the draconian steps taken by the New Zealand government, that could potentially Legalize Vaccination by Force.
The world in which we live, is no longer recognizable from the one only a few short years ago.
One More Update: The Communications Legislation Amendment Bill in Australia won’t go through. I just read this....
"Based on public statements and engagements with Senators, it is clear that there is no pathway to legislate this proposal through the Senate. The Government will not proceed with the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024." Communications Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 | The National Tribune (Nov. 24th, 2024)
Maybe there is some hope after all. This is good news.
But that doesn’t mean Big Pharma and Global Corporate Interest won’t keep on trying to restrict our rights and freedoms. Of that you can be sure. Stay tuned and fully wide-awake.
Stay safe and be well….